Saturday, May 22, 2010

SPHS Move-Up Rally

On Friday, May 21st, the Move-Up rally was held in the McMahan Gym - the final rally of the year!

Joe Cardinal and his friend greet students as they arrive

The first game!  Not exactly sure what it was, but it involved throwing stuff around

Joe Cardinal & friend lead the soon to be graduating seniors in their final senior cheer!

Joe Cardinal & Friend have a bit of a disagreement

The second game!  It was rather eccentric and had something to do with fruit

The Senior class of 2010-2011 moves to the hallowed Senior section

No more freshmen!

Seniors watch a slide show of their 2009-2010 year

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo 2010

Cinco de Mayo celebrates the defeat of a larger and better equipped French army that invaded Mexico.  In 1862 France landed a number of ships on the Mexican shore.  The French army won the early battles, but was defeated on May 5, 1862 in the city of Puebla.  France however eventually won the war and took over Mexico from 1864 - 1867.

The holiday began in California in the 1860s as a protest against the French occupation of Mexico.  Since that time Cinco de Mayo has become a popular holiday in California, Texas and other Southwest states.  Interestingly, Cinco de Mayo is not a major holiday in Mexico and is mainly celebrated as a regional holiday in the state of Puebla.

Santa Paula High School celebrated Cinco de Mayo today with a spirited performance by Conjunto Desafino Musical.  The drummer was our very own Alex M., a tenth grader!  The lunch time event was sponsored by Mecha and also included dancing and a wide variety of colorful decorations.

 Thanks to Jose L. for taking the photos for this post!