Friday, August 27, 2010

First Rally of 2010-2011!

The first rally of the school year was held on Friday, August 26th.  The rally started off with the traditional singing of the National Anthem by a student followed by a "Welcome Back" by the principal, Mr. Marietti.  New teachers were then initiated to the Cardinal community by doing the Cardinal Dance to the school song. The Santa Paula High School cheerleaders then gave a demonstration of their skills.

After this, a game involving fishing took place.  It was too noisy to hear who won, but an amusing time was had by all.  The first class yell of the year followed.  Again, it was too loud to her which class won, but all classes gave their noisy best.  Over the summer FFA and SPHS Artists had won a variety of awards, and the students involved were recognized by ASB.  Following this, the Flag team gave a spirited and colorful performance.  This was followed by another high decibel class yell.

A second game took place.  After that the Drum Line gave their first performance of the year and the rally concluded with the Spirit Stick.