Friday, September 4, 2009

First rally of the year!

Ms. Thompson started things off with a rousing rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Mr. Marietti then announced to the assembled students and teachers that Santa Paula High School increased its API by 16 points and students scored higher in every academic category than they did last year. After this he introduced our new teachers, Adrian Barragan, Timothy Kim, Jessica Newville, Gretchen Speer, Skyler Veneables, Leaf Monroe and our new Assistant Principal, Elizabeth Garcia.

The first contest of the year pitted the enthusiasm of the rookie teachers against the old age and treachery of the veteran teachers in a ruthless game of musical chairs. Many educators started the game, but few remained at the end. In the final moments it came down to Mr. Kaufer, Mr. Barragan and Ms. Garcia. In a cunning move that would make any ninja proud, Mr. Barragan took the final seat and won the game for the rookie teachers.

The traditional (and loud) contest of Cardinal Yells then took place between the classes, with both the freshmen and seniors raising a calliope of noise. When the dust settled and everyone's ears stopped ringing, the freshmen had claimed victory.

The second game of the rally took place next. A pair of students from each class formed a human wheelbarrow, ran across the gym floor, ate a donut from a string, and then returned to their starting point, wheelbarrow style. Once there, they got up, popped a balloon without using their hands and then jumped in a bucket. The Senior class won this rather unique contest.

After a spirited display of Cardinal Cheers by our cheerleaders, it was leaked by the ASB leadership that the theme of Homecoming would be "On the Moon". After this the Color Guard entertained the student body with new gold and red flags accompanied by our own SPHS Band.

The final game of the assembly consisted of duos from each class dressing themselves in as many odd bits of clothing as they could and then going on a mini-scavenger hunt for common items. Although things became a bit confused, the Sophomores achieved victory.

ASB made a few additional announcements regarding applications for the homecoming parade, senior T-shirt sales and the upcoming club day. The rally came to an end, and students and staff left to enjoy a well earned three day weekend!

Gabe Enriquez and ASB deserve congratulations for an excellent and well run start of school assembly!

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