Monday, May 23, 2011

State of the School

Santa Paula High School
May 23, 2011

“Our lives are to be used and thus to be lived as fully as possible, and truly it seems that we are never so alive as when we concern ourselves with other people.” -Harry Chapin

Those of us who had the opportunity to attend Senior Awards Night this past Friday were treated to an outpouring of generosity and support for our graduating seniors. In the beautifully decorated Freeman Eakin Memorial Auditorium parents, students, businesses, and community members gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates over the past four years and to provide them with scholarships large and small.

In today’s economy tuition is on the rise nation-wide, two-thirds of college students will now graduate with loans, and their average college debt will be roughly $20,000 (an increase of more than 50% since the early 90's). The scholarships that were awarded will provide our graduates greater access to higher education and a greater chance of success. (
Awards were granted by individuals like long time SPHS supporter Jerry Burns, business owners like George Thompson, service clubs like Rotary, and foundations like the Ventura County Community Foundation. From a simple $250.00 dollar award for perfect attendance (Fernando Ramirez) that will help pay for textbooks to the Bill and Melina Gates Millennium Scholarship award (Cindy Alamillo) which will pay full tuition from undergraduate to a doctoral program, over 100 awards were given out totaling well over a half a million dollars.

One other benefit that came out of Friday night was that by being the recipient of a scholarship, it helped instill into our students the desire to become philanthropic themselves and "give back" when they are financially able.

Congratulations to our students, our community and to our School. Go Cardinals!

Paul Marietti
Principal, Santa Paula High School

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